Create your own Functional Test Bot


  1. The developer has access to an application development platform that supports copilot bot creation.
  2. The developer possesses the necessary credentials and permissions to access data sources required by the bot.

Main Success Scenario

  1. Describe Application:
    1. The developer provides a detailed description of the application within the bot creation platform. This includes outlining the application’s purpose, functionality, and the kind of support the copilot bot is expected to provide.
  2. Copilot Creation:
    1. Using the application description, the platform generates a tailored copilot bot. This bot is designed to interact with users, guiding them through application features, troubleshooting, or providing dynamic help based on the application’s context.
  3. Link Data Sources:
    1. The developer configures the copilot bot to connect with necessary data sources that will enable it to fetch real-time data or retrieve necessary information to assist users effectively. This could involve linking databases, APIs, or other external services.
  4. Generate Embedded Code:
    1. Once the copilot bot is configured and linked with data sources, the platform generates embedded code that the developer can use to integrate the bot into the application.
  5. Surface Your Bot:
    1. The developer embeds the copilot bot into the application using the provided code. They ensure that the bot is accessible and optimally positioned within the application interface for user interaction.
  6. Operational Testing:
    1. With the copilot bot integrated, the developer conducts a series of operational tests to ensure that the bot functions as expected. This includes testing the bot’s responsiveness, accuracy of the information provided, and its ability to handle user queries effectively.
  7. Go Live and Monitor:
    1. After successful testing, the copilot bot goes live. The developer monitors the bot’s performance and collects user feedback to identify any areas for improvement.


  • The application is enhanced with a fully functional copilot bot that assists users in navigating and utilizing the application more effectively.
  • User engagement and satisfaction with the application potentially increase due to the enhanced interactive support.

Exception Paths

  • Inaccurate Application Description:
    • If the initial application description is not accurate, the copilot bot may not function as intended. The developer needs to revise the description and regenerate the bot.
  • Data Source Connectivity Issues:
    • If the copilot bot fails to connect to the designated data sources, the developer must troubleshoot connectivity issues or adjust access permissions.

Frequency of Use

  • This use case might be executed whenever a new application is developed or when significant updates are made to an existing application that necessitates copilot bot integration.

Special Requirements

  • Robust security measures must be in place to protect linked data sources and ensure user data privacy.
  • The platform should support scalability to accommodate varying levels of user interaction with the copilot bot.

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