Customise and Execute Load Tests with AI


  1. The API endpoint is defined and accessible via a specific cURL command.
  2. The testing tool or platform that supports load generation and performance analysis is available.

Main Success Scenario

  1. Input API cURL:
    1. The user inputs the cURL command for the API endpoint that needs to be tested. This command includes the API URL and any necessary headers or parameters.
  2. Select Load Generator:
    1. The user selects a load generator tool or module within the testing platform. This tool is capable of simulating a high number of requests to test the API's ability to handle traffic.
  3. Generate Test Scripts:
    1. Based on the provided cURL, the testing tool generates scripts that will be used to load test the API. These scripts are designed to mimic real-world usage and stress test the API under various conditions.
  4. Configure Load Injectors:
    1. The user configures load injectors which are responsible for executing the test scripts. Configuration includes setting the rate of requests, the number of concurrent users, and the test duration.
  5. Get Cost Estimate:
    1. Before running the tests, the tool provides an estimate of the cost associated with the load test. This could include computational costs, third-party service fees, or other resources.
  6. Execute Load Tests:
    1. With all configurations set and costs understood, the user initiates the load testing. The tool begins executing the generated scripts using the configured injectors, simulating traffic to the API.
  7. Analyze Reports:
    1. After the test execution, the tool collects and analyzes the data, generating reports on the API's performance. These reports detail metrics such as response times, throughput, error rates, and server resource usage.
  8. Review and Optimize:
  • The user reviews the performance reports to identify any bottlenecks or performance issues. Based on these insights, the user may make code or configuration changes to the API and rerun the tests to measure improvements.


  • The API's performance under load is thoroughly evaluated.
  • Recommendations for improvements are identified and documented.

Exception Paths

  • Script Generation Failures:
    • If there is an error in generating the test scripts from the cURL command, the user is notified and required to check the cURL command for any inaccuracies or missing parameters.
  • Cost Prohibitive:
    • If the estimated cost for the load test exceeds the budget, the user may adjust the test parameters to reduce costs or seek approval for increased funding.

Frequency of Use

  • This use case might be executed periodically as part of performance testing cycles, especially before major releases or after significant changes to the API.

Special Requirements

  • The testing platform must be capable of scaling up to generate significant loads in accordance with the test parameters.
  • Security measures to ensure that the load testing process does not compromise the API or the data it handles.

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